Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our Incomprehensible Creator

TIME MAGAZINE: Could the answer be God?
RICHARD DAWKINS: There could be something incredibly grand and incomprehensible and beyond our present understanding.

Dawkins (an atheist) unknowingly described who God was without even realizing it. God is incredible, grand, and incomprehensible and far beyond our understanding. Our understanding….we can only fathom so much with what is around us and the research we collect here on earth. No matter how many manuscripts we find or debates we get good at. It narrows down to one thing, and that is FAITH. Faith in something far beyond our way of thinking and understanding. God cannot be fully understood because we are not on his level as much as we would like to be at times. It is impossible to pull something infinite down to finite, but you can bring finite to infinite. Things will happen during our short stay on earth both good bad and everything in between. When something doesn’t go our way its easy to be bitter towards the given situation. Remember when you parents told you that playing in the streets was off limits or it wasn’t safe to play outside by yourself at night? At that time we may have been bitter or felt rebellious because we didn’t understand or take the time to care to why it was that they did not want us to do these things. Now looking back you understand that you mother and father were doing nothing more than trying to keep you out of harms way, its called good parenting. Its really easy to question Gods motives when things don’t go according to plan especially when it hurts us to the very core. There was a story someone wants told me about a father who was walking through a forest with his 1 year old son in a carrier on his back. The weather was perfect and the air was warm on there faces. As they approached there destination clouds grew in the sky and it began to rain. At first it was a light drizzle but then began to pour, thunder and lightning cracked above there heads. The father quickly made his way back the cabin doing his best to keep his son dry. The infant began crying and screaming unable to understand what was going on. His father pressed him close to his chest and whispered to him “Its ok buddy, I am here with you, were going to make it home.” The father repeated this as his son screamed and screamed. Little did the boy know his father was willing to do anything to make sure his son got home safe. There are times where we will be in pain and we will cry, but never forget at that moment your father is there whispering to you “Its ok, I am here with you, were going to make it.” We must trust and have faith that through the tough and depressing times God is there with us to carry is through it.  If you are struggling or have given up because you just feel like you cant hold on anymore. I urge you to pray, God will carry you because as Dawkins said it so well God is incredibly grand, incomprehensible, and beyond our understanding.

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